Guarantee Information

Our batteries are supplied by one of the world's most trusted manufacturers. They provide products that are thoroughly tested, and quality checked before leaving their factory. In addition, they implement an entire quality control system and make sure just before dispatch that the product is ready for immediate dispatch to our customers.

They have a strict procedure to ensure that your ordered products work correctly before being packaged and dispatched to us.

Money-Back Warranty

We offer a 30-day period of return where we will refund the price of your product if you wish to send it back to us for any reason. The product must be undamaged, packed back in its original packaging, and all accessories must be included. Please click here for more details about the Return Policy.

Please note: to qualify to get your money back, you must first contact us and await instructions before sending back your product.

1-Year Warranty

1. Terms of Service

Our products carry a one-year warranty. The products can be returned, and we will repair or replace the product. Subject to the product not being tampered with or modified in any way. The warranty guarantees against manufacturer defects within one year from the date of purchase.

Please make sure that you read the warranty procedure below before returning any products.  An online returns request must be generated before sending your product back.

2. Warranty Procedure

(1) Read our returns procedure page: Generate a return request online:-  Please click "Returns Procedure" for further assistance.

(2) Returns team service check: Once our Returns team receives your request online, we will send you the RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number to your email address accordingly. Please follow the instructions when returning the product.

An RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number is required for all returns. Our after-sales department will not accept your returns without an RMA number.

(3) Return product: The Returns number will be valid for 30 days once issued, within which time the returned product(s) must be received by us. Please provide us with the relevant courier(postal service preferred) and tracking information when you ship it out, so that we can track your return package.

(4) After repair: After receiving the returned package, our technical department will check the returned items. We will reship the product within 7 -10 working days after receiving the goods. This is subject to stock availability. We will notify you if there is a longer than usual delay.

Please Note:  We reserve the right to refuse repair if the item is out of its warranty period.

3. Warranty Details

The following conditions are not covered by the battery warranty:

  • Batteries that are ordered from other Cameron Sino resellers.
  • Products that are out of contract.
  • Damage caused by improper operation or insufficient protection of the shipment back to us.
  • Damage caused by fire, flood, war, violence, or any similar incident.
  • Removal of the warranty sticker or tampering with the internal components.
  • Modifying or servicing the battery through a professional outside of
  • The runtime of the battery has decreased due to the battery reaching the end of its useful life.

Please Note: Rechargeable Batteries are a consumable product. Depending on the application and usage mode, it is expected that the maximum capacity of all rechargeable batteries will gradually decrease over time. Therefore, slight changes in battery capacity are not covered by the warranty as this is expected in the battery's life.

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