Comparable Price Match Offer (Only Available on products with the "Found it cheaper elsewhere" Link)

We try not to be beaten on price but supply chain issues are making things very difficult.

We'll try to match the product prices of key online and local competitors for immediately available new products (excludes clearance, refurbished and open-box items).

Special considerations:

  • The retailer must be established and have a physical presence in Canada.
  • The product must be the exact same model number and the exact same brand as our product. (Not all batteries are created equal)
  • We cannot match prices on eBay.
  • We cannot match prices on Amazon. We do not consider amazon sellers as having a physical presence in Canada. Many sellers are China-based using amazon fulfillment centres.
  • The comparable item covers new items (excludes clearance, refurbished and open-box items). One price match per identical item, per customer, at the current pre-tax price available to all customers, is allowed.

Our Price Match Guarantee does not cover:

  • The online prices of retailers are listed in the "Special considerations" section.    
  • Products shipped from or sold by third-party sellers on websites.
  • Pricing is only available to select groups of customers including Membership Program members, loyalty offers, discounts relating to non-warehouse membership or paid loyalty programs and government exchange store offers.
  • Competitor offers include liquidation offers, trade-in offers, items denoted as Black Friday pricing and special daily or hourly sales.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request a price match?

That's easy just go to any product page that you wish to price compare and click on the link under every price. (Found it Cheaper Elsewhere)

I found a battery on a competitor's site that looks like the same battery as yours but is not from the same manufacturer. Will you price match against this?

I am afraid we can only offer price matching against products that are identical in every respect to the product on our site. Look at it this way you would not expect a Mercedes dealer to price match a similar vehicle against a Ford. The Mercedes dealer will only try to price match against other Mercedes dealers on like models.

Do you match the price if it results in a price being below your cost on a product?


What if the competitor does not have the item in stock or has limited quantities of the product?

Sometimes a qualifying competitor will advertise a product in ads and on its website as having limited quantities in stock. If the item is out of stock or the competitor has advertised limited quantities of an item, it is not eligible for price matching. Likewise, if we have a product that is advertised as being limited in quantity it will not be eligible for price matching.

Do you price match "free gift with purchase" offers?

No. We do not price match "free gift with purchase" orders. This includes free gift cards with purchase offers.

Do you match competitors' trade-in value and offers on trade-in products?

No. We do not match our competitors' trade-in value and offers on trade-in products.

How does the Price compare apply to coupons?

We do not match competitors' coupons. Also, customers can either use a coupon or price match to a lower price, but not both. We do not allow a coupon to be used on a product that has a price match.

How does the Price comparison apply to sales tax?

We match the pre-tax price. We do not take sales tax into consideration for price match purposes. We will not override sales tax to match a competitor’s price.

How do I show "proof" of the price?

Just copy and paste the link to the product page with the better price in our form.

How does your price comparison policy apply to telephone orders

We will only look at this type of pricing online. So if you call in to place the order we cannot apply the discount.

Do you match prices for liquidation or going out of business sales?

No. Items in liquidation or going out of business sale are clearance items. Clearance items are excluded from the Price comparison offer.

Effective Date: July 12th, 2022

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